Cerita Lucu Abu Nawas : Pintu Akhirat

Majesty doesn't like usually want to disguise it so the commoner. She wants to feel and see the life of its people tan [a sepengetahian anyone that freely moves freely.

She started to get out of the Palace by wearing clothes that are very simple as a commoner.

When it arrived in a village of the King saw on gather. After The King closer, it turns out there is a cleric who menyampiakan seang tausiyah about the State in nature barzah. Then there are those who ask the scholars.

"We are witnessing the pagans at one time and a peek at his grave, but we did hear them shout nor see torture-torture which he said was hers. Then how do you justify something that does not correspond to that seen eyes? " The cleric thought for a moment and then he said,

"To know that it has to be with the other senses. Remember with a sleeping person? She sometimes dreamed of in his sleep snake bitten, harassed and so on. la also feel pain and fear when it's even squeal and sweated on his brow. la sensed that kind of thing like when not sleeping. While you are sitting nearby watching the situation as if there wasn't anything. But what is seen as well as hers is dikelilirigi of snakes-snake. Then if the problem is just trivial dreams have been unable to see her eyes, could thou born could see what was happening in nature barzah? "

The King was impressed by the King briefed the cleric. She still listens to the lecture participate. The cleric is now continuing his studies on the nature of the afterlife. It is said that in paradise there are things that are very likeable lust, including objects. One of the objects it is the Crown which is very remarkable. There's nothing more beautiful than the stuff in Heaven because the goods are created from the light. I was so ihdahnya so much better a Crown from the world and its contents. The King was increasingly impressed. He returned back to the Palace.

She can't wait to test the capability of the Abu Nawas. Abu Nawas called: After facing Bagiri

"I want you now also departing to heaven then heaven, give me a Crown which he said created from that light. Are you able to Abu Nawas? "

"His Highness Paduka Capable." said Abu Nawas directly undertakes an impossible task is carried out.

"But the King should also undertakes one loaded would ask a servant."

"Specify terms that." said Majesty.

"Servant of the King's door to morion provides servant could enter it."

"The what?" asked the King not to understand. The nature of the afterlife. "replied Abu Nawas.

"What's that?" asked the King wanted to know.

"Apocalypse, o glorious Majesty. Each realm has a door. The natural world is the peranakan mother rut. Natural door barzah was death. And the nature of the afterlife is the Apocalypse. Heaven is in the realms of the afterlife. If She still wants to get a Crown servant in heaven, then the world must end teriebih first. "

Hear the explanation Abu Nawas Baginda Raja fell silent.

On the sidelines of confusion Majesty Harun Al Rashid, Abu Nawas asked again, "Do the King wants the Crown of heaven?" Majesty did not answer. He was silent for a moment then a thousand languages, Abu Nawas please ourselves because Abu Nawas, already knows the answer.